Toxic Trails Chapter Updates (Guardians of RPG v 1.02 Update)

Hello everyone!

It's Monday, which means it's time for my weekly devlog. Today I will be sharing everything I've worked on and have plans for regarding the Toxic Trails chapter.  So, let's just get into it, shall we?

New Cut Scene Features

Cut scenes can now be activated by the player. In the Tiro Town Chapter, most if not all cut scenes were triggered by the player walking into an invisible collision box or having the cut scene start on awake. However, for certain instances in Toxic Trails, there are going to be times where the player will have to make the active choice to engage in a cut scene or not.

I also added another class that extends from the Action class for more cut scene variations. Now players will be able to give and receive items in cut scenes. I believe this will be very useful in the future for different chapters and even side quests.

Player Companion Feature

I have finished implementing the Player Companion Feature (PCF) for the Toxic Trails Chapter. Now you will be able to travel the forest with a fellow NPC. This will come in handy in the future for when you have several companions that will follow you for other story lines.

This feature was particularly hard because it requires my to be able to create way-points for the NPC dynamically and animate them in the correct direction without coming across as jittery. This was both interesting and frustrating to accomplish, and there are still a few bugs here and there, but I can say confidently that the PCF is working enough to be included in the game.

Weekly Goals

I was unable to achieve my goal of creating 5 cut scenes, I only managed to create 3. Because this will have a lot of cut scenes, I'm kinda worried I'm going to be behind on my release date that I set in place and will have to cut certain scenes out and include them in the next chapter, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

Right now I want to focus on the cut scenes that are integral to the Toxic Trails Chapter, like the introduction to the BINARY Organization, and the conflict that arises between the group and your player.

So that's all I have for you today. Again I want to thank each and every one of you who have supported me this far. It really means a lot to see this game become fully realized in a small way and to see other people recognize that to a degree has been heartwarming, whether it be simply watching the weekly devlogs, giving a like or even playing v1.01, it all means a lot, and so I thank you, and I will see you next week.

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